

It all started with a writer/librarian who had studied writing, publishing, and literature for many years. She would have been happy to remain a writer/librarian and not add publisher to her credentials, but sometimes life supplies an unexpected push in a new direction. That's exactly what happened here and it's resulted in some amazing new books for readers around the world to enjoy.

If there's one thing a writer/librarian knows, it's books. Her life's work literally keeps her surrounded by quality literature. Now, she creates it and helps other authors break into print. (And digital, of course; it's the 2020s after all.) But she doesn't do it alone. 8N has a small team of experts that provide excellence in proofreading, editing and graphic design. Together, we make beautiful books and have a lot of fun while we're at it.

As 8N continues to expand, it's become home to an eclectic array of titles, including young adult sci-fi/fantasy, romance novels, ghost stories and poetry collections. Our latest acquisitions include the three unique, endlessly fascinating novels by award-winning English author Michael Lawrence featured on this website. We can't wait for you to read them and tell us what you think!


S.J. Lomas